Background The Federal Republic of Nigeria is one of the main economic powers in West Africa. Nigeria is also the most populous country in the…
Posts published in “essay”
Building peace is not a linear way approach that can be done single-handedly by an International body. Therefore several notable persons in the global history…
The JK’s approach The word ‘insurgent’ is a common word in Indonesia’s history. Economic inequality and politics of identity often become reasons of atrocities…
Introduction Over the past five years, the international community has witnessed an increase in the sheer number of conflicts in some areas. One of the…
Musyawarah-mufakat (negotiation for consensus) has been ingrained within the identity of the Indonesian political culture ever since the founding fathers secured its place within the…
Introduction The conflict in Aceh was the latest manifestation of a long history of rebellion against the Government of Indonesia, in Jakarta. It was massively…
Indonesia has the motto of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. It means a profound unity and unity for the people of Indonesia. The motto is essential because…
Indonesia has been known as the peace-loving country. Having a background of being colonized urged it to spread the peace around the world. The United…
The militaristic approach taken by the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to eradicate the separatism and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in Aceh proved to have…
In 2013, my study program classmates and I had the opportunity to conduct overseas course to Norway and Finland. I had the opportunity to visit…